Procedura de reclamații

Complaints Procedure

Dobrovolschi Anastasia is committed to providing a professional, courteous and efficient service to all of our customers.

This is an internal procedure available to all customers who are dissatisfied with the standard of service provided by Dobrovolschi Anastasia.

All of our customers are important to us and we believe you have the right to a fair, swift and courteous service at all times.

We would expect all parties to deal with issues, whether in writing or orally, in a courteous and business-like manner.

Rest assured, any expression of dissatisfaction about the service that you have received from us will be considered seriously and we will ensure that we respond promptly to any complaint. We will investigate your concerns objectively and try to generate a positive and speedy solution.

If you have a complaint, please write to us by email to YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS or by post to YOUR POSTAL ADDRESS.

Once we are in receipt of your complaint, we will deal with it promptly, effectively and in a positive manner.

We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receipt of your complaint.

We will endeavour to send a final response to you within eight weeks of receipt of your complaint. If we are unable to provide you with a final response within this time frame, we will write to you explaining why and advise when you can expect a final response.